Should I water my cuttings right away - NO, we recommend not watering them for the first 2 weeks or you are risking rot! You should plant them in well draining cactus type soil, not woody houseplant soil that does the opposite of holding moisture in. Another option is just leaving them on a tray in the shade for a couple of weeks and often many of them will begin rooting on their own. Once you begin to water, make sure you allow the soil to dry between watering, just as you should with fully rooted/potted succulents. Water when soil is dry, never water when soil is wet! This rooting process may take approx. 2 to 6 weeks before fully established, but in our growing houses, with experience, proper heat, soil, watering and TLC etc. they are often ready in 2 weeks.. (see how often to water below)
How often should I water them - Succulents love water, but only when their soil is dry! During the winter months, you can cut back on watering but play it by appearance. If your succulent/s are looking a little wilted/thirsty, give them some water. When watering, always do it thoroughly all the way through to the bottom. Watering the top inch or less does very little good. Do not mist your cuttings either, these are not houseplants and they do not do as well in humid conditions.
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